

Description: 1958-75 CARBURETOR REPAIR KIT WITH FLOAT - FORD & MERCURY AUTOLITE * MOTORCRAFT 2100 2 BARREL / NEW / SERVICES 200+ CARBURETORS / THIS KIT IS ENGINEERED FOR TODAY'S FUELS - IT IS ETHANOL TOLERANT - WE SHIP WORLD WIDE - MADE IN THE USA ' Click to Enlarge 15369DEFS UP FOR SALE IS THIS BRAND NEW 1958-74 FORD / EDSEL / TRUCK MOTORCRAFT 2 BARREL CARBURETOR KIT WIT H A NEW FLOAT. IT SERVICES ALL BORE SIZES PRODUCED DURING 1958-74! HERE ARE SOME OF THE APPLICABLE CARBURETOR NUMBERS: 5752004, 5752005, 5752305, 5752306, 5752307, DBA0AA, DBA0AB, DBA0AC, DBA0AD, DBA0AE, DBA0AF, DBA0BA, DBA0BB, DBA0BC, DBA0BD, DBA0BE, DBA0BF, DBA1AA, DBA1BA, DBA1BB, DBA9AA, DBA9AB, DBA9AC, DBA9BB, DBA9BC, DEA9BB, DEA9BC, DFA0AA, DFA0AB, DFA0AC, DFA0AD, DFA0AE, DFA0BA, DFA0BB, DFA0BC, DFA0BD, DFA0BE, DFA1BA, DFA1BB, EDB-U, EDB-V, EDB-AF, EDB-AG, EDC-A, EDC-B, DHM0BA, DHM0BC, KBA1AA, KBA1BA, KBA1BB, KFA1AA, KFA1BA, KFA1BB, C0AE-H, C0AE-M, C0AE-R, C0AE-S, C0AE-AB, C0AE-AC, C0AE-AF, C0AE-AG, C1AE-V, C1AE-Z, C1AE-AA, C1AE-AB, C1AE-AC, C1AE-AD, C1AE-AE, C1AE-AF, C3AF-AK, C3AF-AL, C30F-G, C30F-H, C30F-L, C30F-M, C4AF-H, C4AF-BE, C4AF-BG, C4AF-BH, C4AF-BV, C4AF-BY, C4AF-EB, C4AF-EC, C4DF-A, C4DF-B, C40F-A, C40F-B, C40F-D, C40F-E, C40F-J, C40F-AE, C40F-AG, C40F-AK, C40F-AM, C40F-AS, C4ZF-E, C4ZF-F, C5AF-C, C5AF-D, C5MF-A, C5MF-B, C5MF-C, C5MF-D, C5MF-E, C5MF-F, C6AF-A, C6DF-E, C6DF-F, C6MF-A, C6MF-D, C6MF-J, C60F-A, C60F-K, C6PF-L, C6TF-BH, C7DF-E, C7DF-F, C70F-AF, C70F-AK, CSAF-D, CSAF-R, CSAF-S, CSAF-T, CSAF-U, CSAF-AF, CSAF-AG, CSAF-AH, CSAF-AJ, CSAF-AZ, CSAF-BB, CSAF-BC, CSDF-E, CSDF-F, C80F-H, C80F-J, C80F-L, C80F-M, C80F-N, C80F-R, C80F-S, C80F-T, C80F-AE, CSPF-T, CSPF-U, C8ZF-E, C8ZF-F, C8ZF-H, C9AF-J, C9AF-Z, C9TF-L, C9ZF-G, D0AF-C, D0AF-D, D0AF-E, D0AF-F, D0AF-G, D0AF-H, D0AF-J, D0AF-S, D0AF-T, D0AF-U, D0AF-V, D0AF-V, D0AF-Z, D0AF-AA, D0AF-AR, D0AF-AS, D0AF-AT, D0AF-AU, D0AF-AV, D0BF-C, D0BF-D, D0OF-J, D0OF-K, D0OF-L, D0OF-M, D0OF-T, D0OF-U, D0OF-V, D0PF-AJ, D0ZF-A, D0ZF-B, D1AF-BA, D1AF-DA, D1AF-FA, D1AF-JA, D1AF-KA, D1AF-SA, D1AF-TA, D1AF-UA, D1AF-XA, D1AF-VA, D1AF-ZA, D1BF-AA, D1MF-FA, D1MF-GA, D1MF-JA, D1MF-KA, D1MF-LA, D1MF-MA, D1MV-FA, D10F-MA, D10F-NA, D10F-PA, D10F-RA, D10F-VA, D10F-ZA, D10F-ABA, D10F-AGA, D10F-AHA, D10F-AJA, D1PF-AA, D1UF-FA, D1VF-CA, D1VF-DA, D1ZF-AA, D1ZF-SA, D1ZF-UA, D1ZF-ACA, D1ZF-ADA, D1ZF-AEA, D2AF-EA, D2AF-FB, D2AF-FC, D2AF-FD, D2AF-GB, D2AF-GC, D2AF-GD, D2AF-HA, D2AF-HB, D2AF-HC, D2AF-UC, D2BF-AA, D2BF-EA, D2BF-FA, D2GF-AA, D2GF-AB, D2GF-AC, D2GF-BA, D2GF-BB, D2GF-BC, D2MF-CA, D2MF-CB, D2MF-DA, D2MF-DB, D2MF-EA, D2MF-EB, D2MF-FA, D2MF-FB, D2MF-FC, D2MF-FE, D2MF-FF, D20F-JA, D20F-KA, D20F-KB, D20F-PA, D20F-RA, D20F-UA, D20F-UB, D20F-UC, D20F-VA, D2PF-GA, D2PF-GB, D2PF-HB, D2PF-KA, D2WF-CA, D2WF-CB, D2ZF-EA, D2ZF-FA, D2ZF-FB, D2ZF-KA, D2ZF-LA, D2ZF-LB, D2ZF-LC, D2ZF-MA, D2ZF-MB, D3AF-CD, D3AF-CE, D3AF-DB, D3AF-DC, D3AF-JA, D3AF-KA, D3AF-MA, D3AF-NA, D3AF-PA, D3AF-RA, D3AF-RB, D3AF-UA, D3AF-XA, D3AF-ABA, D3BF-AC, D3BF-AD, D3BF-AE, D3BF-BC, D3BF-BD, D3BF-BE, D3BF-EA, D3BF-FA, D3BF-GA, D3BF-HA, D3DE-AA, D3DF-EA, D3GF-AD, D3GF-AE, D3GF-AF, D3GF-BA, D3GF-BB, D3GF-BC, D3MF-AD, D3MF-AE, D3MF-BA, D3MF-CA, D3MF-DA, D3MF-EA, D3MF-FA, D3MF-GA, D30F-AD, D30F-AE, D30F-EA, D30F-FA, D30F-JA, D3PF-DA, D3PF-EA, D3PF-EB, D3PF-FA, D3PF-FB, D3PF-GA, D3WF-AC, D3WF-CA, D3ZF-EA, D3ZF-EB, D3ZF-FA, D3ZF-GA, D3ZF-NA, D3ZF-NB, D4AE-CA, D4AE-DA, D4AE-EA, D4AE-FA, D4AE-GA, D4AE-HB, D4AE-KA, D4AF-DA, D4AF-EA, D4BE-AA, D4BE-BA, D4BE-CA, D4BE-EA, D4BE-FA, D4DE-LA, D4DE-NB, D4DE-PA, D4DE-RB, D4DE-UA, D4DE-VA, D4DF-AA, D4DF-BA, D4ME-BA, D4ME-CA, D4MF-BA, D4MF-CA, D4MF-DA, D4MF-EA, D40E-CA, D40E-EA, D40E-FA, D40E-GA, D40E-JA, D40F-AA, D40F-BA, D40F-CA, D40F-DA, D4PE-EA, D4PE-EB, D4PE-EC, D4PE-FA, D4PE-FB, D4PE-GA, D4PE-GB, D4PE-HA, D4PE-HB, D4PE-KA, D4PE-VA, D4PE-VB, D4PE-YA, D4PE-YC, D4PE-BKA, D4PE-CFA, D4PE-CGA D4TE-AYA, D4TF-AA, D4TF-BA, D4TF-CA ......OR ..... C2AE-V, C2AE-Z, C2AE-AA, C2AE-AB, C2AE-AC, C2AE-AD, C2AE-AE, C2AE-AF, C2AF-AA, C2AF-AB, C2AF-AC, C2AF-AD, C2AF-AE, C2AF-AF, C2AF-AG, C2AF-AH, C20E-N, C20E-R, C20E-S, C20E-T, C20F-N, C20F-R, C20F-S, C20F-T, C20F-AA, C20F-AB, C20F-AC, C20F-AD, C3AF-E, C3AF-F, C3AF-AM, C3AF-AN, C3AF-AZ, C3AF-BA, C3AF-BD, C3AF-BE, C3DF-C, C3DF-D, C3DF-E, C3DF-F, C3DF-G, C3DF-H, C3DF-L, C3DF-M, C3MF-A, C3MF-B, C3MF-C, C30F-C, C30F-D, C30F-E, C30F-F, C30F-AG, C30F-AH, C4AF-A, C4AF-B, C4AF-C, C4AF-DD, C4AF-DE, C4DF-E, C4DF-F, C4DF-J, C4DF-K, C4DF-N, C4DF-R, C4DF-S, C4DF-T, C4DF-AB, C4DF-AC, C4MF-L, C4MF-M, C4MF-R, C4MF-S, C40F-K, C40F-L, C40F-BR, C40F-BS, C40F-BV, C4ZF-N, C4ZF-R, C5AF-A, C5AF-B, C5AF-AH, C5AF-AJ, C5ZF-A, C5ZF-B, C5ZF-G, C5ZF-H, C6AF-B, C6AF-Z, C6AF-AA, C6AF-AH, C6DF-A, C6DF-B, C60F-B, C60F-C, C60F-L, C60F-AH, C6PF-D, C6PF-F, C6TF-BG, C7AF-N, C7AF-R, C7AF-S, C7AF-T, C7AF-U, C7AF-V, C7AF-Y, C7AF-Z, C7AF-AS, C7AF-AT, C7AF-AU, C7AF-BE, C7AF-BN, C7AF-BR, C7AF-BT, C7DF-G, C7DF-H, C7DF-N, C7DF-R, C7DF-S, C7DF-V, C70F-J, C70F-K, C70F-L, C70F-M, C70F-U, C7TF-C, C7TF-D, C7TF-V, C8AF-L, C8AF-M, C8AF-N, C8AF-AK, C8AF-AM, C8AF-AN, C8AF-BA, C8AF-BD, CSOF-K, CSOF-U, CSOF-AF, CSPF-B, CSTF-AA, CSTF-AF, CSWF-A, CSZF-G, C9AF-A, C9AF-B, C9AF-C, C9AF-T, C9MF-A, C90F-C, C9UF-A, C9UF-B, C9ZF-A, C9ZF-B, C9ZF-L, C9ZF-M. .....OR TRUCKS... C4TF-G, C4TF-H, C4TF-J, C6PF-L, C8UF-H, C8UF-J, C8UF-L, C9TF-J, C9TF-K, D0PF-AH, D0PF-AJ, D0PF-AM, D0TF-A, D0TF-B, D0TF-C, D0TF-M, D0TF-N, D0TF-R, D0TF-S, D0TF-Y, D0TF-Z, D0TF-AA, D0TF-AB, D0TF-AC, D0TF-AD, D0TF-AE, D0TF-AF, D0TF-AG, D0UF-B, D0UF-C, D0UF-E, D0UF-F, D0UF-G, D1PF-AA, D1PF-BA, D1PF-CA, D1TF-AA, D1TF-CA, D1TF-EA, D1TF-HA, D1TF-LA, D1TF-NA, D1TF-TA, D1TF-AHA, D1TF-AJA, D1TF-AKA, D1TF-ALA, D1TF-AMA, D1TF-ANA, D1TF-APA, D1TF-ARA, D1UF-AA, D1UF-CA, D1UF-DA, D1UF-FA, D1UF-SA, D2PF-KA, D2PF-LA, D2PF-MA, D2PF-NA, D2PF-PA, D2PF-RA, D2TF-AA, D2TF-AB, D2TF-BA, D2TF-CA, D2TF-DA, D2TF-DB, D2TF-EA, D2TF-EB, D2TF-FA, D2TF-FB, D2TF-FC, D2TF-GA, D2TF-HA, D2TF-HB, D2TF-JA, D2TF-JB, D2TF-KA, D2TF-TA, D2TF-UA, D2TF-AAA, D2UF-AA, D2UF-BA, D2UF-CA, D2UF-DA, D2UF-EA, D2UF-HA, D2UF-JA, D2UF-KA, D2UF-LA, D2UF-MA, D2UF-PA, D2UF-YA, D3AF-PA, D3AF-RB, D3AF-UA, D3AF-XA, D3AF-ABA, D3DE-AA, D3GF-BC, D30F-JA, D3PF-HA, D3PF-HB, D3PF-JA, D3PF-KA, D3PF-KD, D3PF-LA, D3PF-MA, D3TE-AA, D3TE-AC, D3TF-AB, D3TF-BC, D3TF-BD, D3TF-BE, D3TF-CC, D3TF-CD, D3TF-CE, D3TF-DC, D3TF-DD, D3TF-DF, D3TF-GC, D3TF-HC, D3TF-MB, D3TF-MC, D3TF-MD, D3TF-ME, D3TF-NA, D3TF-SA, D3TF-UA, D3TF-VA, D3TF-XA, D3TF-YA, D3UF-AC, D3UF-AD, D3UF-CC, D3UF-CD, D3UF-DC, D3UF-EC, D3UF-FC, D3UF-GC, D3UF-RA, D3UF-SA, D3UF-TA, D3UF-YA, D3WF-CA, D4PE-JA, D4PE-KA, D4PE-NA, D4PE-PA, D4PE-RA, D4PE-SA, D4PE-TA, D4PE-UA, D4PE-ZA, D4PE-AYA, D4PE-AZA, D4PE-BAA, D4PE-BBA, D4PE-BCA, D4PE-BDA, D4PE-BEA, D4PE-BFA, D4PE-BFB, D4PE-BGA, D4PE-BVA, D4PE-CBA, D4TE-DA, D4TE-DB, D4TE-EA, D4TE-GA, D4TE-HA, D4TE-JA, D4TE-LA, D4TE-RA, D4TE-SA, D4TE-TA, D4TE-VA, D4TE-ADA, D4TE-AFA, D4TE-AZA, D4TE-BAA, D4TE-CAA, D4TF-DA, D4TF-KA, D4UE-BA, D4UE-CA, D4UE-DA, D4UE-EA, D4UE-FA, D4UE-GA, D4UE-HA, D4UE-JA, SHPG FREE IN THE CONTINENTAL US 15369KE Before the sale ends... Questions are always welcome, by email or by phone. Remember: there is no stupid question except the one that isn't asked. After the sale: If you have a question about the item or shipment after payment has been made, you must send your name, zip code, and auction number to track the sale and shipment. Also, if an sale is unsuccessful I always welcome an email -- but remember that eBay will not transfer the sale number or description in the header so you must include these on your own. Payment: Upon completion of the sale, the successful buyer will be sent a notice with a payment total and other information. Paypal and Visa/Mastercard are accepted. Shipping: If you buy several items, they may be combined to save shipping costs. Shipments outside the continental U.S. normally require additional shipping charges -- so please let me know if you are from Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canada, or anywhere else in the world in your first email to me along with your shipping preference. The Post Office is the most economical option for shipping outside the continental U.S., but has a few disadvantages: it is slower, there is virtually no tracking, and it has been known to lose things. UPS is faster and has great tracking (which is why we normally use them) but it is more costly. Overseas orders can take a long time for delivery, so those customers must be patient. Overseas customers are always welcome, and I can accept Visa/Mastercard to help expedite the process for them. To our Canadian friends: we ship north or south of the border on request, mark everything antique parts, and have some customers who clear customs themselves... or advise if you have any other special requests. Shipping to Canada via the Post Office can take a long time, especially on heavier packages. International Buyers – Please Note: Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. These charges are the buyer's responsibility. Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior to bidding or buying. Customer Service Goals & Satisfaction: I want to make you happy and will do everything I can to do it. I try my best to describe everything as accurately as possible, but mistakes do happen at times. But I stand behind what I sell, and will make it right or offer a refund. inkfrog terapeak

Price: 40.35 USD

Location: Eugene, Oregon

End Time: 2024-08-13T18:20:29.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images


Item Specifics

Restocking Fee: No

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

Returns Accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)


Choke Type: Mechanical

Type: Carburetor

Manufacturer Warranty: Unspecified Length

Manufacturer Part Number: 15369D

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Barrel Count: 4

Vintage Part: Yes


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