
Classic Complete Distiller Manual, Making Moonshine, Whiskey Still Plans V20

Description: Classic Archives Listing NEW OFFER!!!!!!: While our standard delivery is still via a CD or DVD, we recognize not all of you have a computer with a CD/DVD drive. We offer delivery on a USB flash drive for this, and all of our disks, when you add USB Flash Drive Delivery from our ebay shop. NOTICE: If you don't see our listing for our USB flash drive delivery in our store at this link, that simply means we are currently waiting on more to arrive and can only offer CDs and DVDs at this time! Check back soon! Distilling and Brewing Collection Vintage guides and books, showing the old time secrets and recipes of distilling alcohol, making wine, and brewing beer. Very hard to find vintage books and guides! This unique set will be great for the expert or anyone that is interested in learning more about the hobby of distilling! 125+ Total books and guides included on DVD Moonshining and brewing your own beer has been around since the dawn of time. While moonshining is currently outlawed in the USA, we provide these books for informational purposes only, for those that are interested in researching the history of moonshining. Included are books and guides that go into the details of building a still and how moonshine was made properly and safely. We also have included a great section on old time beer brewing, and a ton of mixed drink recipes! Here are just some of the topics that are included within these books and plans: ALCOHOL, ITS VARIOUS PORMS AND SOURCES. Its chemical structure. How produced. Boiling points. Alcohol and water. Alcohol, where found. Produced from decomposition of vegetables. Principal alcohols, THE PREPARATION OF MASHES, AND FERMENTATION. A synopsis of steps. Mashing starchy materials. Gelatinizing apparatus and processes. Saccharifing. Cooling the mash. Fermentation. Yeast. and its preparation. Varieties of fermentation: —Alcoholic, acetous, lactic and viscous. Fermenting periods. Fermenting apparatus and rooms. Strengthening alcoholic liquors. DISTILLING APPARATUS. The simple still. Adams still. Concentrating stills. Compound distillation. Dorn’s still. Continuous distillation. The Cellier-Blumenthal still. Coffey's still. Current stills. Regulating distillery fire. MODERN DISTILLING APPARATUS. The principles of modem compound stills. Vapor traps and their construction. Steam regulation. Feed regulation. American apparatus. The Guillaume inclined column still. RECTIFICATION. General principles of “fractionation.” Old form of rectifying still. Simple fractionating apparatus. “Vulcan” rectifier. Barbet’s twin column rectifier. Guillaume’s “Agricultural” rectifying apparatus. Rectifying by filtration. MALTING. The best barley to use. Washing. Steeping. Germinating. The “wet couch.” The “floors.” “Long malt.” Drying. Grinding and crushing. ALCOHOL FROM POTATOES. Washing. Gelatinizing and saccharifying. Low pressure steaming and apparatus therefor. Crushing the potatoes. High pressure steaming and apparatus. The vacuum cooker. The Henze steamer. Isolation of starch without steam. English methods. Saccharifying the starch. ALCOHOL FROM GRAIN, CORN, WHEAT, RICE, ANII OTHER CEREALS. Relative yields of various cereals. Choice of grain. Proportions of starch, etc., in various grains. Grinding. Steeping. Preparatory mashing. Saccharifying. Treatment of grain under high pressure. Softening grain by acid. ALCOHOL FROM BEETS. Beet cultivation. Composition. Soil and manures. Sowing. Harvesting. Storing. Production of alcohol from beets. Cleaning and rasping. Extraction by pressure. Extraction by maceration and diffusion. The diffusion battery. Fermentation. Direct distillation of roots. ALCOHOL FROM MOLASSES AND SUGAR CANE. The necessary qualities in molasses. Beet sugar. Molasses mixing and diluting. Neutralizing the wash. Pitching temperature. Distilling. Fermenting raw sugar. Cane sugar molasses. “Dunder.” Clarifying. Fermenting. Various processes. ALCOHOLOMETRY. Hydrometers in general. Proof spirit. Syke’s hydrometer. Gay-Lassacs hydrometer. Tralles alcoholometer. Hydrometric methods. Estimation of alcohol.. Field's alcoholometer. Grisler’s method and apparatus. Estimating sugar in mash. Determination of alcoholic fruits. Physical tests. Chemical tests. The Permanganate of Potash test. Results by Barbet. DISTILLING PLANTS, THEIR GENERAL ARRANGEMENT AND EQUIPMENT. Simple apparatus. Elaborate plants. Steam stills. The fermenting room. Ventilation. Fermenting vats. Preparatory vats. Arrangement of grain distillery. A small beet distillery. Large beet distilling plant. Transporting beets. Potato distillery. Molasses distillery. Fermenting house for molasses. Transportion of molasses to distillery. Coal consumption. DE-NATURED ALCOHOL, AND DE-NATURING FORMULA. Uses of alcohol. De-natured spirit :—Its use in Germany, France and England. The “De-naturing Act.” The uses of denatured alcohol. Methods and Formula for denaturing. Denatured alcohol in the industrial world DE-NATURING REGULATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES. The Free Alcohol Act of 1906, and proposed changes therein. The Amendment of 1907. Internal Revenue Regulations (Low resolution screenshots) All of these topics, and more are in these included books on DVD, with year of publication if known: Still Guides and Plans: Amazing Still Construction Instructions - Shows a simple design of a still that is simple and inexpensive to make and easy to dismantle. Building a Home Distillation Apparatus - A guide that shows how to build a relatively sophisticated distillation apparatus from commonly available materials, for about 100 bucks. Pot stills and reflux stills are covered. Distillation purity considerations, boiler selection, top end design, tools and techniques, internal reflux condensor, internal reflux top end, valved reflux still head, valved reflux column, still assembly, heating and cooling the still, still operation and optimization, are all covered in solid detail. Building an Ethanol Still - A 40 page guide on how to build a still that can actually produce fuel. Contains enough information to get you well on your way to being self sufficient. Distillation of Alcohol - The Processes of Malting; Mashing and Mascerating; Fermenting and Distilling Alcohol from Grain, Beets, Potatoes, Molasses, etc., with Chapters on Alcoholometry and the de-naturing of alcohol, for use in Farm Engines, Automobiles, Launch Motors, and in Heating and Lighting. Distilling Principles - A brief overview on the process to help you understand the basics. Home Distillation Handbook - How to Distill Quality Alcohol at Home Inexpensively and Safely This reference manual is a must for anyone researching distillation. Contains great tips and tricks. Simple Moonshine Overview Book - Just what it sounds, a brief guide that covers the basics of the construction of a simple still. The Spiral Ethanol Still - Shows the design and construction of a simple ethanol still that is very easy to build. Medieval Distilling - Apparatus of Glass - This paper brings together for the first time a selection if medieval glass and pottery distilling-vessels used in Britian. Distillation Books - These books go into the pre-prohibition era of alcohol manufacturing. They show the tips, tricks, recipes, and processes that were popular in the olden days. Read about how our ancestors created stills and made alcohol for inspiration. A must for anyone interested in how liquor used to be made: A Treatise on the Manufacture and Distillation of Alcoholic Liquors, by Pierre Duplais, 1871, 820 pages. Contains an accurate and complete details in regard to alcohol from wine, molasses, beets, grain, rice, potatoes, sorghum, asphodel, fruits, etc., with the distillation and rectification of brandy, whisky, rum, gin, swiss absinthe, etc. A Treatise on the Manufacture Imitation Adulteration and Reduction of Foreign Wines Brandies Gins Rums, by a practical chemist, 1860, 184 pages. Including discussion on old rye whiskey, old rye monongahela, wheat and bourbon whiskeys, fancy brandies, cordials, and domestic liquors Chemistry and Technology of Wines and Liquors, by D. Van Nostrand Company, 1935, 383 pages, Theoretical considerations of sugars, starches, enzymes, fermentation and raw materials. Yeasts and other organisms, production of yeast, malt, distillation, whiskey manufacture, brandy, rum, gin, applejack and minor distilled liquors, wines, champagne and cider, liqueurs and cordials, analysis of alcoholic beverages, interpretation, methods, analytical reference tables, statistics of liquor industry at the time. Distillation Principles and Processes, by Sidney Young,1922, 536 pages, Apparatus required, the boiling point of a pure liquid, vapor pressures of mixed liquids, boiling points of mixed liquids, the composition of liquids and vapor phases, experimental determinations, directions for carrying out a fractional distillation, theoretical relations between the weight and composition of distillate, relation between the boiling points of residue and distillate, modifications of the still-head, continuous distillation, fractional distillation with an improved still-head, distillation on the manufacturing scale, distillation of alcohol on the manufacturing scale Fermented Liquors, by Dr. Lewis Feuchtwanger,1858, 228 pages. Fermentation explained, discussion on fermented liquors, wine, wine beverages, colors for wines, ardent spirits, distillation, rectifying process, hydrometer and thermometer, clearing of liquors, acetic acid, vinegar and quick vinegar, adulterations of all fermented liquors, bar-room drinks or beverages, treatment of diseases, other scientific uses of alcohol. The Art of Blending and Compounding Liquors and Wines, by Joseph Fleischman, 1885, 84 pages. Tax implications at the time of making whiskey, fruit juices and flavorings for whiskeys, blending bourbon whiskeys, blending rye whiskeys, French brandy, Irish and Scotch whiskeys, Holland gin, rums, apple and peach brandies, cherry whiskey, wines. The Art of Distillation, by John French, 1651, 134 pages. The different kinds of distillation and all the technical terms explained, basic rules for distillation The Art of Making Whiskey and Gin, by Anthony Boucherie, 1819, 27 pages. So As to Obtain a Better, Purer, Cheaper and Greater Quantity of Spirit, From a Given Quantity of Grain. The Cause and Prevention of Acidity in Malt Liquors, by Thomas Hitchcock, 1842, 69 pages. At the time of this publication, little was known about the process of brewing. This book was written to correct that deficiency. The Complete Distiller, by A. Cooper, 1757, 308 pages. Contains a nice selection recipes with details on the distillation process, fermentation, methods of preventing accidents, remedies for accidents when they do happen, the filtration of liquors and spirits. The Complete Grocer - Valuable Receipts for Brandy Rum, Gin and Cordial of All Kinds, by an old distiller, 1832, 218 pages. Contains a variety of information respecting the making and treatment of both foreign and home made wines, and other things too numerous to mention. The Complete Practical Distiller, by M. La Fayette Byrn, 1880, 254 pages. No distillation library is complete without this title. Described as the most perfect and exact theoretical and practical description of the art of distillation and rectification. Discussion on distilling apparatus, instructions for preparing spirits from the numerous vegetables, fruits, etc. The Distiller, by Harrison Hall,1818, 374 pages. Grain distillation covered in great detail, including every step from mashing to distilling. Great old recipes included. The Distillers Guide Comprehending the Art of Distillation and Rectification, by Peter Jonas,1818, 300 pages, discusses the making of rum, brandy, Hollands gin and all sorts of compounds, cordials, and spirituous waters by distillation, agitation, and digestion. The Independent Liquorist; or, the Art and Manufacturing and Preparing, by L. Monzert, 1866, 228 pages. Discusses all kinds of cordials, syrups, bitters, wines, champagne, beer, punches, tinctures, extracts, essences, flavorings, colorings, worcestershire sauce, club sauce, catsups, pickles, preserves, jams, jellies, etc. The Manufacture of Liquor and Preserves, translated from the French, by J. De Brevans, 1893, 107 pages. A clear and precise manual for the distiller and liquor manufacturer has long been needed in France-a book which by its scope, form and price would be within the reach of all, but nevertheless would be complete enough to give a true picture of the recent discoveries and the true state of the art in this important branch of our national industry. This want has been filled by " The Manufacture of Liquors and Preserves." The first part comprises the study of liquors, that is to say, alcohol and natural liquors. In the second part the author studies artificial liquors, some pages being devoted to a description of the laboratory and plant of the distiller, including raw materials, alcohol, essences, spirits, tinctures, distilled waters, juices, syrups, etc.,without forgetting the coloring matters. The Practical Distiller, by Samuel McHarry, 1809, 66 pages. An introduction to making whiskey, gin, brandy, spirits of better quality and in larger batches. The Practical Distiller, by Leonard Monzert, 1889, 86 pages. The art of distilling and rectifying spirituous liquors and alcohol with directions for constructing and operating the stills and their apparatus in use, along with discussion on the process of distillation. Historical Books - What collection would be complete without some historical perspective? This complements our other books with some perspective on alcohol and drinking in the late 1800's: Dalys Bartenders Encyclopedia, 1903, 128 pages Modern American Drinks, by George Kappeler, 1900, 136 pages. New and Improved Bartenders Manual, by Harry Johnson, 1888, 254 pages. Nineteen Centuries of Drink in England. by Richard Valpy French, 1888, 440 pages. The Brewing Industry, by Julian Baker, 272 pages, 1905 The Law and history of Intoxicating Liquors, by R. Vashon Rogers, 1881, 255 pages. Twenty five Years of Brewing, by George Ehret, 1891, 136 pages. Beer Brewing Guides - We spent all this time talking about distillation, but this collection also has a TON of beer brewing guides and books. Anyone who is interested in learning how beer is to be brewed needs to start with this collection. Learn how it was done in the olden days and then you'll understand how to brew the best batch in modern times: A Practical Treatise on Brewing, by William Chadwick, 1835, 72 pages. Common sense directions for the typical home brewer. A Practical Treatise on Brewing, by Thomas Hitchcock,1842, 73 pages. Showing the cause and prevention of acidity in Malt Liquors. A Practical Treatise on Brewing, and on Storing of Beer Reduced from Forty Years Experience, by WIlliam Black, 1835, 170 pages, Discussion focusing on the specific rules for taking the proper temperatures of mashing liquors. A Practical Treatise on Malting and Brewing, by George Adolphus Wigney, 1835, 300 pages. A Systematic Handbook of Practical Brewing, by E.R. Southby, 1885, 454 pages. A full description of the buildings plant, materials and processes required for brewing all types of beer. A Textbook of the Science of Brewing, by Edward Ralph Moritz, 1891, 616 pages. Brewing waters, barley and malt, malt substitutes, hops, mashing and sparging, the boiling of the wart, fermentation, the racking and storage of beer, the analysis of water, the analysis of malt and wort, the analysis of sugar and hops, the analysis of beer. A Treatise on Family Winemaking, by P.P Carnell, 1814, 172 pages, Discussion on making excellent wines from various fruits, A Treatise on the Art of Making Wine from Native Fruits, by Frederick Accum, 1820, 117 pages. General principles of the art of making wine, process of fermentation, racking and sulphuring of wine, barelling of the wine, clarification of wine, art of making wine from native fruits, method of making gooseberry wine. A Treatise on the Culture of the Apple and Pear and on the Manufacture of Cider and Perry, by T.A. Knight, 1801, 198 pages. A Treatise on the Culture of the Vine and the Art of Making Wine, by James Busby,1825, 309 pages. Effects of climate on wine making is discussed. American Handy-Book of the Brewing Malting and Auxiliary Trades, by Robert Wahl, 1902. A book of ready reference for persons connected with the brewing, malting, and auxillary trades, together with tables, formulas, calculations, bibliography and dictionary of technical terms. An Elementary Dictionary for Distillers and Brewers, by George Adolphus Wigney, 1838, 378 pages. An Elementary Dictionary of the Brewers Trade, by George Adolphus Wigney, 1838, 379 pages An Elementary Treatise on American Grape Culture and Wine Making, by Peter Mead, 1867, 504 pages. Climate, location, soil preparation, laying out and planting vineyards, training through the first 5 years, harvesting. An Essay on Brewing with a View of Establishing the Principles of the Art, by M. Combrune, 1758, 235 pages. Brewing and Distillation, by Thomas Thompson, 1849, 410 pages. Brewing porter and ales according to the English and Scottish methods. British and Foreign Spirits, by Charles Tovey, 1864, 430 pages, Distillation of gin, whiskey, brandy, rum, punch, and other liquors. British Winemaker and Domestic Brewer, by W.H. Roberts, 1835, 323 pages. A complete, practical, and easy treaties on the art and management of British wines, and liqueurs, and domestic brewing. Cottage Economy Containing Information Relative to the Brewing of Beer, by William Cobbett, 1825, 220 pages. Information relative to the brewing of beer, and other homesteading activities. Every Man His Own Brewer, by an unknown private brewer, 1768, 255 pages. Choosing hops, malt and other basic instructions for brewing malted beverages. Grape Culture Wines and Wine-Making, by A. Haraszthy,1862, 432 pages. Guide to the Analysis of Potable Spirits, by S. Archibald Vasey, 1904, 96 pages. Handy-book for Licensed Victuallers Brewers Wine Retailers, by William Barclay, 1865, 104 pages How to Brew with three-fourths Barley to One Fourth Malt, by a brewer of 25 years standing, 1848, 44 pages Instructions for Brewing Porter and Stout at an Expense of 4d and 5d per Gallon, by Chas Clarkson, 1853, 54 pages. Key to Grays Brewers Assistant, by James Gray, 1848, 36 pages London Complete Art of Cookery also The Complete Brewer Explaining the Art of Brewing Porter Ale Twopenny and Table beer, by William Lane, 235 pages Observations on the Vinous Fermentation, by Gray and Dacre, 1823, 38 pages Practical Information on the Best Method of Brewing from Sugar, by a practical brewer, 1847, 31 pages Practical Treatise on Brewing, by R. Shannon, 1805, 936 pages. The genuine process of making brandy, rum, and Hollands gins. Remarks and Experiments on Different Parts of the Process of Brewing, by N. Bliss, 1807, 80 pages The American Vine-Dressers Guide Being a Treatise on the Cultivation of the Vine and the Process of Wine Making, by John Dufour, 1826, 326 pages. The Art and Mystery of Making British Wines Cider Perry Cordials and Liquors-Also the Whole Art of Brewing, Chapman and Hall, 1865, 285 pages. Making domestic and full bodied wines. The Art of Brewing, Baldwin and Chadock, 1829, 78 pages. The Art of Brewing and Fermenting in the Summer-and the Making of Malt, by John Levesque, 1836, 130 pages. Brewhouse and utensils, selecting barley, construction of a malt house, making malt, grinding mait, various modes of brewing. The Brewer-A Familiar Treatise on the Art of Brewing with Directions for the Selection of Malt and Hops, William R. Loftus, 1856, 204 pages. Instructions from making cider and British wines. The Compleat Brewer. J. Coote, 1760, 272 pages. The art and mystery of brewing explained. The Complete English Brewer-or the Art and Mystery of Brewing in All its Various Branches, by George Watkins, 1773, 484 pages. Plain directions for brewing all sorts of malt liquors. The Complete Practical Brewer, by M.L. Byrn, 1852, 236 pages. Plain, accurate and thorough instructions in the art of brewing ale, beer, and porter. The Cultivation of the Native Grape and Manufacture of American Wines, by George Busman, 1866, 206 pages. The Culture of the Grape and Wine Making, by Robert Buchanan, 1852, 156 pages. The Distillers Guide Comprehending the Art of Distillation and Rectification, by Peter Jonas, 1818, 304 pages. The Inkeepers and Butlers Guide- or a Directory for Making and Managing British Wines, by J. Davies, 1810, 210 pages. The London and Country Brewer, Thomas Atley, 1744, 362 pages. The whole art of brewing all sorts of malt liquors. The Manufacture of Cider and Perry, by J. Ham, 1828, 71 pages. The Manufacture of Liquors Wines and Cordials without the Aid of Distillation, by P. Lacour, 1853, 320 pages. The Principles and Practice of Brewing, by William Sykes, 1907, 611 pages. The Private Brewers Guide to the Art of Brewing Ale and Porter, by J. Tuck, 1822, 286 pages. The Scottish Ale-Brewer and Practical Maltster-Including India Pale Ale, by WH Roberts, 1847, 261 pages. The Secrets of the Mash Tun or Causes of Failure in Producing Good Ale or Beer, Cambridge and Sons, 1847, 68 pages. The Theory and Practice of Brewing, by Michael Combrune,1804, 392 pages. The Theory and Practice of Brewing Illustrated, by W.L. Lizard, 1846, 619 pages. The Town and Country Brewery Book, by W. Brande, Malster, and Brewer, 1829, 303 pages. The Universal Cook and City and Country Housekeeper, by Francis Collingwood, 1792, 505 pages. The Vine and its Fruit, by James Denman, 1864, 397 pages. The Vine-Dressers Manual, an Illustrated Treatise on Vinyards and Wine-Making, by Charles Reemelin, 1855, 122 pages. The Vintners and Brewers Guide-Manufacturing Wines Malted Liquors Cider Perry Vinegar Spirits, 1826, 382 pages. The Wine Drinkers Manual, 1830, 307 pages. The Wine Merchants Manual, A Treatise on the Fining, by T. Smeed, 1845, 128 pages. Theory and Practice of Brewing With Malted and Unmalted Corn, by John Ham, 1829, 122 pages. Treatises on Brewing, by James Baverstock, 374 pages. Drink Mixing Recipes - And finally, how could we not include drink recipes? Hundreds of recipes for all your favorite hard liquor drinks are included from various sources. You'll be able to make a perfect martini in no time!: 100 Recipes for Beer Wine Whiskey other Spirits and Accoutrements, 52 pages. American and Other Drinks, by Leo Engel,1878, 122 pages. Rum Drink Recipes, 42 pages. Bartending Tips and Tricks, 77 pages. Beverages Deluxe, 1914, 96 pages. Burkes Complete Cocktail and Drinking Recipes, 1936, 124 pages. 4 different Vodka Drink Recipe Guides, over 80 pages. Cocktail Recipes, 8 pages. Collection of Receipts For Making Various Beverages, 1835, 47 pages Cooling Cups and Dainty Drinks, 1869, 222 pages How to Mix Drinks or the Bon Vivants Companion, 1862, 264 pages Libre-Tea-Cocktail-Recipes, 6 pages. Tea Vodka Recipes, 16 pages. Tequila Recipes, 3 pages. Liqueur Drink Recipes, 34 pages. The 20th century guide for mixing fancy drinks, 1900, 72 pages. The Art of Blending and Compounding Liquors and Wines, by Joseph Fleischman, 1885, 78 pages. The Complete Bartender, by Albert Barnes, 1884, 76 pages. The Ideal Bartender, by Tom Bullock, 1917 , 55 pages. Vermont Drink Recipes, 9 drink recipes. This collection totals 125+ total books and guides one DVD in PDF format. Note the collection consumes approximately 1 GB of disk space. The books are PDF scans in high quality. Shown below are low resolution sample images. Disclaimer: All buyers must be over the age of 18. Please research and follow all laws in your country or state regarding the manufacture of alcohol. In the USA, distilling your own alcohol is illegal and therefore, we do not encourage you to try. It can also be very dangerous. We provide this information solely for research and educational purposes only, and do not encourage anyone to break the law. We accept no responsibility of any outcome resulting from improper or not legal use of the materials on this disk. Make sure you check out our other listings. Our library is ever expanding. Overall, we believe our product provides the best value out there. We provide more for less! Catalog Number and disclaimer Catalog #TCA-V20 If you purchase another item with this same catalog number, you will get two identical items. We are the owner and creator of this disk, and we have full distribution rights to this item. Distribution rights are non-transferable. This disk is our creation, and we participate in eBay's Vero Program. Each disk is shipped in a plain mailer with no case, with a clean text label without graphics. This listing complies with all eBay policies on copyright works, and we have full legal rights to distribute this work. Comments from happy customers who bought many other of our items from our vast catalog: In 1959 I purchased an original home built “Thing” and ran it for several years on the Willamette River. Years later it got rotten and subsequently discarded. Now the Son of the man who originally built it from the magazine plans in his wood shop in Milwaukie, Oregon works with me and he helped his Dad build it in 1958. We decided to search for the plans and if we found them; I (an engineer) would upgrade it for two adults and build it. I bought your disk and building started last May 25 and it was ready to launch July 20th. You are welcome to use the photos and my “title” as a former white water guild; River Rat Bob from Oregon. Hope you enjoy the pictures attached. I am 60 years old but still chasing the dream as you see from my smile in the boat. Thank you for the great plans. Unbelievable amount of information for the money. I can't wait to get started. -Jeff D., New Mexico. I built the doghouse using the plans I purchased from you a week ago, and it was great. Easy to read and follow, it was a great purchase. The kids helped, and the dog just loves it. Thank you so much. It'll take years to go through all the stuff I want to build on your CD. Andrew H., Colorado. The jungle gym for the kids is amazing. We bought the plans 2 weeks ago, and built the whole thing last weekend. We are so impressed with the amount of information shown. It is a virtual encyclopedia of plans. Thanks. Josh L., New Mexico. My God!! That's more boats than I can build in a lifetime! Unbelievable! The best I have ever seen. Thank you! Craig J., South Carolina. I've seen plenty of plans on boats. This is the best all around package of information I've come across. Jake M., Florida. This has saved me so much time. I've spent weeks looking for stuff like this. Well worth the few bucks to get this CD. Jimmy K., Arkansas. I bought a CD a few weeks ago that had a bunch of links and junk on it that was ripped off from websites and other useless information. I thought long and hard before trying again and buying from you. I can actually use this stuff. I'm so glad I did. A.K., Arizona. Frequently Asked Questions: Why should I buy from you? There are lots of places to buy similar stuff on ebay. What makes you so special? What separates us from the rest is that we want you to be happy. If you're happy, you'll buy from us again and tell your friends. Getting one sale from you is great, but we want the next sale from you and the next one after that. It isn't worth a few bucks to us to have one unhappy customer. 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All of our disks and other media are copyrighted by ADVPlans, LLC, and redistribution without our consent is prohibited. We also believe that many takedown requests on eBay originate from competitors trying to gain an unfair advantage. Therefore, all take down requesters that do not email us first with their full contact information and are not willing to communicate, will have a counter notice filed immediately with eBay, 100% of the time. Copyright © 2013, ADVPlans, LLC. All rights reserved. (All of our disks and contents are branded with our name and web address) Attention eBay Staff: The book or books on this media are free from copyright per the Copyright Act of 1976. This content of this media resides within the Public Domain as defined by the United States Copyright Office. This ad complies with all eBay rules and regulations. Verification is available upon request. All unique content is copyrighted by ADV Plans, LLC.

Price: 10.95 USD

Location: McMinnville, Tennessee

End Time: 2024-11-29T04:13:38.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

Classic Complete Distiller Manual, Making Moonshine, Whiskey Still Plans  V20Classic Complete Distiller Manual, Making Moonshine, Whiskey Still Plans  V20Classic Complete Distiller Manual, Making Moonshine, Whiskey Still Plans  V20Classic Complete Distiller Manual, Making Moonshine, Whiskey Still Plans  V20Classic Complete Distiller Manual, Making Moonshine, Whiskey Still Plans  V20Classic Complete Distiller Manual, Making Moonshine, Whiskey Still Plans  V20

Item Specifics

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 60 Days

Refund will be given as: Money back or replacement (buyer's choice)

MPN: 741533272587

Operation Type: Manual

Final Product: Complete set of distiller plans

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States

Featured Refinements: Whiskey Still

Brand: ADV Plans, LLC

Type: Master Plan Collection


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