Description: Introducing the Pretty Boy Detective Club Manga English Set of 2 Volumes! This set includes Vol. 1 & 2 of the popular manga series created by Nisioisin and Suzuka Oda. The series follows a group of handsome high school boys who solve mysteries and crimes in their spare time. These volumes are in softcover format, written in English, and published by Vertical Comics. They belong to the Modern Age (1992-Now) tradition of manga and fall under the categories of Collectibles, Comic Books & Memorabilia, Comics, and Comics & Graphic Novels. Get ready to join the Pretty Boy Detective Club on their exciting adventures!
Price: 19.95 USD
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Artist/Writer: Nisioisin, Suzuka Oda
Format: Softcover
Language: English
Tradition: Manga
Era: Modern Age (1992-Now)
Series Title: Pretty Boy Detective Club
Publisher: Vertical Comics